Here's My Story

Welcome to my newest adventure, All Day Beautie.  Here you will find a little bit of farm and a whole lot of fashion!  

Why am I here?

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Amanda Gittlein, and I am a busy farm wife with 3 kids — 2 boys and (finally!) a little girl. I work full time, and I'm very involved in our local community.  

Amanda Gittlein

You may be wondering, why is she starting a blog? I catch myself wondering the same thing, HA!

I have a lot of interests. Fashion, fitness, family, farm, food (phew, that's a lot of F’s) and beautie are a few of my favorite things! And like any busy mom, I want to do everything. I've heard women say to each other, "You can have everything you want... you just can't have everything at once."

And you know what? I don't buy it!

So I created my brand, All Day Beautie, to share everything I love with women like you! With that said, let’s be friends. Join me in my new adventure and subscribe to All Day Beautie.

How did I get here? 

I grew up in an average-sized town in Kansas. I was definitely not a city girl, but I never thought of myself as a country girl either — no cowboy boots in my closet.

My dream was to become a clothing buyer for a large retail store, so I attended college for fashion merchandising and marketing. (Did I mention I love to shop? I love to shop!)

Then, my senior year of college, on New Year's Eve, I met this amazing guy, Garrett.

When I was a little girl, I remember dreaming of what my “grown-up" life would be like. 

  1. I would meet the man of my dreams, fall in love and get married.
  2. I would wear a huge princess dress at our wedding.
  3. Everything would be beautiful and perfect.
  4. We would have two kids, a boy and a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes — like I could special order them or something. (Hey, I was four. I had no clue where babies came from!
  5. We would live in the city, have great jobs, travel the world, and our kids would be perfect little angels.

While I did meet the man of dreams, have a big wedding and a gorgeous princess dress, the rest was not exactly what I had always dreamed of. It was even better! 

Just a year and a half after meeting, Garrett and I married. I became the proud mom to seven cows, and Gittlein Farms was officially born. I definitely NEVER thought I would be living in the country, raising cows, and riding tractors. 

Fast forward 5 years: Our herd had expanded to 200 cows, and a baby boy named Mason! 3 years later brought another 100 cows and another baby boy named Colson.

Amanda Gittlein Family

Life was crazy, messy and absolutely beautiful.

As the years flew by, there was one thing missing! I couldn’t really explain it, other than BABY FEVER and me hitting the big 3-0! Garrett and I had both grown up with one sibling, and two kids had always seemed like the magic number. So let’s just say he was not on board when I mentioned trying for a girl.

I think — wait, let me rephrase that — I KNOW he thought we would have another boy and I would say, let's go for round four! Lo and behold, the third time's the charm, and in August of 2017 we welcomed Madison into our lives.  

The moment I saw her and watched her daddy and brothers hold her, was the moment of clarity I had been waiting for. I was complete. My life (so far) had surpassed what I ever could have imagined as a four year old girl!

Amanda Gittlein Family photo

What now?

So here we are, a family of five cherishing each and every day like it’s our last. Is my life perfect? Heavens no! If you’re looking for a perfect mother raising perfect children (Can you say stubborn and hard-headed as all get out?), you’ll have to look somewhere else. 

Our home is often messy — I am talking, every John Deere farm toy you can imagine is in the middle of the living room floor

Loud — seriously, why does it have to be so loud?

And there are times when this mom needs a TIME OUT or a closet to hide in!  

But how boring is perfect? I live for the crazy and silly moments that I have with our kids.

All in all, I hope this blog is a great resource for you and that through the chaos and craziness that life is made of, you'll join me in focusing on the beautie that hides within.


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